Allen County Children Services

Choose Your Partner

The most important job you will ever have is to protect your child's life. ​

The most important choice you will ever make for your child is who you allow in their life.

Far too often a child is abused or even killed when left in the care of a parent’s partner (typically the mother’s boyfriend – who is typically not the biological father).

Mother and baby

In 2008, another county children services agency in Ohio, became alarmed when several infants and young children were severely physically abused within months of each other.

Although the cases were unrelated, all had one factor in common.

The children were harmed by an unrelated adult – usually mother’s boyfriend. Allen County, in addition to other counties, reviewed data and saw a similar trend.

Through a statewide committee, a toolkit was launched so any agency or organization could launch its own “Choose Your Partner Carefully Campaign.” We launched our campaign in 2009 followed by a Parent Educational Course the following year. That course was updated in 2024.

What is the Choose Your Partner Carefully Course?

This is a six-hour course designed to educate individuals on how to make the best decision about who they allow around themselves and their children.

Participants will learn...

how to recognize potential signs of abuse and neglect, domestic violence and its impact on children as well as substance use and its impact on a person’s ability to make informed decisions.

Participants will learn...

how to complete background checks and learn about community resources, including childcare resources. This course will provide tools to individuals so they can create a safety plan and build their own personal power.

Although the target population for this course is women, the course content is relevant for anyone who could benefit from understanding the importance of gaining information on making better choices about who they have around their child. This course is open to anyone in the community. Classes are held the first Thursday of each month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.